

  • 商品型號:YOR235
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲能源 ▲環保 ▲生態

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

          Meat Substitutes – The Truth Behind the Vegetarian Boom


如今,肉類已不再那麼容易—它已經從餐盤上無可爭議的能量來源變成了菜單上經常被回避的成分。因此,消費者需要越來越多的替代品—那些看起來和味道像肉,但不含任何動物產品的食品。但是,這股素食熱潮到底有多大好處呢? 設計師 Paul Peraus 測試了植物製作的香腸、炸豬排、火雞胸肉和漢堡肉餅:需要多少谷氨酸鹽和其他化學物質才能讓植物嘗起來像動物?如果菜單上沒有肉類,為什麼飯菜還要繼續有肉的味道和外觀?最終的問題是:富含E號添加劑的食物真的比那些它極力要避開的食物更健康、更容易消化嗎?


It is not that easy for meat these days - it has gone from being an undisputed energy source on the plate to an often-avoided component of a menu. Consequently, consumers are demanding more and more substitutes – foods that look and taste like meat but do not contain any animal products. But how beneficial is this vegetarian boom? Designer Paul Peraus tests plant-based sausages, schnitzels, turkey breasts, and burger patties: how much glutamate and other chemicals are needed to make plants taste like animals? Why, if meat is off the menu, should meals continue to taste and look like meat? And the ultimate question: is food that’s full of E numbers really healthier and more digestible than the thing it is trying to avoid at all costs?
