

  • 商品型號:YOR234
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲商業 ▲社會 ▲人文

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

          The Madness of Fast Fashion


無論春夏秋冬,我們總是要買新季節的新衣服,而大型快時尚連鎖店的鐘聲總是在此時響起,他們對顧客的承諾是價格最低的名牌服裝,而他們的產品系列的高週轉率不斷誘惑著我們購買新衣服。然而,如果一件衣服很快就被淘汰或破碎,如果我們考慮到它的使用壽命很短,它真的那麼便宜嗎?被丟棄的物品大多是純塑膠垃圾,這些連鎖店的產品之所以如此物美價廉,是因為它們是在地球另一端的惡劣環境下生產出來的。在本節目中,奧地利時尚博主 Jean-Claude 將仔細分析快時尚對國內市場的影響,並揭示這類服裝的真正昂貴程度。

No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, we always buy new clothes for the new season. And always strikes the hour of the big fast fashion chains. Their big promise to their customers – designer clothes for the lowest prices – and the high turnover of their collections continually tempt us to buy new clothes. However, if a piece of clothing is then quickly sorted out or comes apart, is it really as cheap as it seems if we take its short life span into account? Goods that are thrown away are mostly purely plastic waste. And these chains’ products are only such good value because they are produced on the other side of the world in dubious conditions. In this programme, Austria fashion blogger Jean-Claude takes a closer look at the impact of fast fashion on the domestic market and shows just how expensive these kinds of clothes really are.
