

  • 商品型號:YOR233
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲能源 ▲環保 ▲生態

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

          The Dilemma of the PLASTIC BAG


塑膠袋是每個人購物時的必備品,儘管貿易和工業界承諾要採取相反的行動,但我們每天仍然都在遭受聚氯乙烯(PVC)的猛烈衝擊,為什麼似乎不可能將這種對環境造成無可爭議破壞的材料從我們的生活中消除呢?“自然降解塑料”等替代品的效果如何呢?許多新標籤聲稱這些材料將在自然界中自由分解 - 這是一種全球性的誤解。為什麼這些新的想法到目前為止在市場上還未取得立足之地呢?人們可能會覺得貿易和工業只是半心半意地告別塑料 - 這種材料的種種好處太難抵擋了。這部影片揭露了包裝熱潮持續存在的原因,並探討了傳統PVC替代品的真正價值。


Plastic bags carry everyone’s shopping. We are hit by an avalanche of PVC every day – despite all the commitments of trade and industry to do the contrary. Why does it seem impossible to banish this material, which does indisputable damage to the environment, from our lives? And how effective are alternatives such as “naturally degradable plastic”? Many new labels suggest that these materials will decompose freely in nature – a worldwide misconception. And why have none of the new ideas gained a foothold in the market so far? One could get the impression that trade and industry were only bidding a half-hearted farewell to plastic – the many benefits of the material are too prevalent. This film unearths the reasons for the ongoing mania for packaging and probes the true value of alternatives to traditional PVC.
