

  • 商品型號:YOR231
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲醫學醫療 ▲生物科技▲生活輔導 ▲基因科學

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          Natural Juices - Bodily Fluids Sold as Goods


沒有任何人工替代品可以取代母乳、血液和精子,它們是從人體中提取出來並被收集到銀行的。卡琳-貝爾加默爾(Karin Berghammer)(芭芭拉-埃彭施泰納(Barbara Eppensteiner)編劇)的這部紀錄片探討了誰需要它們、誰接受它們以及當我們的內心世界成為全球市場上的商品時對我們意味著什麼的問題。電影製作人前往實驗室、收集中心和銀行,與捐贈者和接受者交談,會見專家和受影響者,他們研究體液是如何被收集和利用的,觀察檢測、處理和儲存的技術和機械部分,並深入研究處理他人體液的人的日常生活,從母乳是早產兒生存的必需品,到每年至少需要600人定期捐獻血漿的病人。


Breast milk, blood, and sperm cannot be produced artificially. They are extracted from human bodies and collected in banks. The documentary film by Karin Berghammer (script by Barbara Eppensteiner) explores the question of who needs them, who receives them and what it means for us when our innermost becomes a commodity on a global market. The filmmakers go to laboratories, collection centers and banks, they talk to donors and recipients, meet experts and people affected. They look at how the body fluids are gathered and utilized, observe the technical and mechanical components of testing, processing and storing, and take an in-depth look at the everyday lives of the people who handle the fluids of others. The spectrum ranges from a prematurely born for whose survival breast milk was essential, to a patient whose medication requires at least 600 people to regularly donate plasma every year.
A private sperm donor talks about offering his services on an internet platform. He once even travelled more than 10.000 kilometers to make the dream of a desired child come true. Experts show how technical progress and digitalization have changed the way we deal with bodily fluids and reflect upon the issue of who profits and who loses in an online market of globally operating platforms that have profoundly impacted the exchange and trade of fluids over the past decade.

