

  • 商品型號:YOR230
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲醫學醫療 ▲生物科技▲生活輔導 ▲基因科學

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          Anxiety - Our Souls in Crisis


恐慌症發作、恐懼症和抑鬱症—如今,患有焦慮症的人比以往任何時候都多。在這種情況下,疫情和與冠狀病毒相關的規定猶如火上澆油,年輕人尤其受到封鎖、隔離和缺乏社交接觸的影響。導演Andrea Ernst探討了年輕人所承受的情感負擔,並陪伴那些多年來忍受焦慮、恐慌症發作和恐懼症的患者。影片清楚地顯示心理疾病在多大程度上限制了他們獨立生活的機會,影片在患者的強烈經歷和科學家的視角之間切換:焦慮何時會真正成為一種負擔?為什麼這種狀況主要發生在年輕時?哪些治療方法可以幫助他們恢復?哪些可以促進康復?


Panic attacks, phobias, and depression – today, more people than ever are suffering from anxiety disorders. In this context, the pandemic and the coronavirus-related regulations act like fire accelerators. Young people have been especially affected by lockdowns, isolation, and the lack of social contact. Director Andrea Ernst looks at the emotional burdens of young people and accompanies patients who have endured anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias for many years. What becomes clear is the extent to which mental illness restricts their chances of living independent lives. The film switches between the intense experiences of the sufferers and the perspectives of scientists: When does anxiety actually become a burden? Why does the condition arise predominantly at a young age? Which treatments can help and what will promote recovery?
