

  • 商品型號:WDW139-2
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲醫學醫療 ▲生物科技▲生活輔導 ▲基因科學

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

           The Immune System–Robust Defense with Weak Spots


為什麼有些人如此容易感染疾病如Covid-19,而另一些人則完全擊退病原體或感染了一種沒有症狀的病毒?身體的免疫系統是一個高度複雜的網路,與各種器官、細胞類型和生化物質相互作用。它可以中和病原體、毒素和癌細胞,並利用身體自身的資源治癒傷口,外源微生物尤其在消化系統中發揮重要作用。 不均衡的飲食、過度的衛生和低細菌環境會導致腸道微生物組成失衡,進而導致免疫系統反應過度和過敏,心理因素也會影響免疫系統,幸福感和壓力分別對我們的疾病抵抗力產生積極和消極的影響。

Why are some people so susceptible to disease, while others fight off the pathogen completely or get a version of the infection free of symptoms? The body's immune system is a highly complex network interacting with a wide variety of organs, cell types and biochemical substances. It can neutralize pathogens, toxins and cancer cells and heal injuries using the body's own resources. Exogenous microbes play an important role in the digestive system in particular. An unbalanced diet, excessive hygiene and a low-germ environment can lead to an imbalance in the microbial composition in the gut, which can in turn lead to an overreaction of the immune system and allergies. Psychological factors also influence the immune system. Well-being and stress affect our resistance to disease, positively and negatively respectively.
Important new findings have been made in several different subdisciplines in recent years, but these are only gradually coming together to form an overall picture.


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