

  • 商品型號:WDW137-3
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲商業 ▲社會 ▲人文

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

          Consuming with a Conscience


在許多國家很容易找到帶有環保生態標籤的產品,它們是如此普遍,以至於憑良心購物似乎很容易。 消費者以更高的價格購買帶有環保生態標籤或產品是用回收材料製成的標誌的巧克力、魚、衣服和紙製品。
這些做法已被活動家、環保主義者和希望看到改變的製造商所呼籲,其中包括奧地利巧克力製造商 Josef Zotter,他說“公平貿易”不夠公平,他希望監管更進一步。

Products with an eco-label are easy to find in many countries. They’re so common that it seem like it’s easy to shop with a clear conscience. For a higher price, consumers can buy chocolate, fish, clothes and paper goods with an eco-label or the logo indicating the product was made with recycled material. 
But just because something has been labeled as ecologically friendly does not mean that it is. A closer look reveals that wood and paper are more harmful to the environment than we believe. In fact, almost every supposedly transparent supply chain has its problems – although these typically do not damage the reputation of the eco-label, thanks to watered-down standards and clever marketing.
These practices have been called out by activists, environmentalists and by manufacturers who want to see change. Among them is Austrian chocolatier Josef Zotter, who says "fairtrade" isn't fair enough, and who wants regulations to go further.
Of course, not everyone can afford exclusive ecological swimwear made from "ghost nets" floating in the oceans. But there is a rational behind such products. Experts agree that limiting our consumption to sustainably produced products isn’t enough. They say we also need to reduce consumption overall. The first question consumers should ask themselves, then, is whether they really need an item. Only with this mindset can we begin to consume with a clear conscience.


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