

  • 商品型號:HDW213
  • 規格:英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction


Whenever we buy something – in the supermarket, the shopping mall or online – we participate in a market, local or global. But do we make intelligent decisions when we part with our money? And what are the consequences for the environment, our own health and that of the workers toiling to make the products we buy?Only the well-informed can make responsible purchase decisions, though some manufacturers would prefer us all to be blissfully ignorant: For them, an awful lot of money is at stake. That is why they often declare crucial facts about their products only when forced to by law. And marketing strategies can often amount to perfidious manipulation. But a sustainable economy needs informed and critical consumers. We reveal some of the Tricks of the Trade.
♦ 互聯網電子商務陷阱
 No Escape–The E-Commerce Trap


“線上說服”是指利用行為心理學的進步進行線上行銷,這包括基礎廣泛的心理測試,即所謂的 A/B 測試,每個上網的人都會在不知情的情况下自動參與許多這樣的測試,幾乎每個網上商店都會進行這些操作,臉書、谷歌和亞馬遜等互聯網公司也是如此。如果產品出現在屏幕 A 或屏幕 B 上,它是否更有可能銷售嗎?是更頻繁的點擊淺色還是深色的“購買”按鈕?所有這些因素都會影響我們的購買行為,並且可以在網上進行衡量,購買習慣也與天氣等因素明顯相關。

For decades, the world of advertising used such media as posters, print ads and TV-commercials to attract customers. Now, the industry has changed radically. Media are increasingly consumed over the internet, where new advertising methods are subtly influencing people.
"Online persuasion" is the term for a branch of online marketing that makes use of advances in behavioral psychology. This includes broad-based psychological tests, the so-called A/B tests. Everyone who goes online automatically takes part in many such tests – without knowing it. Almost every web shop conducts them, as do internet corporations like Facebook, Google and Amazon. Is a product more likely to sell if it is presented on screen A or screen B? Is a lighter or a darker "buy" button clicked more often? All these factors influence our buying behavior and can be measured online. Buying habits have also been clearly linked to such factors as weather.
Psychologists and tech industry insiders alike see a danger in the increasing “gamification” in the way our smartphones are designed. The problem? They are addictive. Like addicts, we are glued to the devices and lose sight of our actual values and goals in the face of the overwhelming possibilities the web offers us. What can we do about it?

♦ 行銷策略的性別差異
 Does Price Have Gender



Pink or blue – unlike babies in neonatal units, adult consumers in a store can make their own decision which color they prefer: At least that’s the assumption. But in reality, when we’re shopping we allow ourselves to be led by codes determined by product designers and advertizing strategies. More specific product tailoring helps manufacturers boost sales figures. For example, suggesting to men and women that they need different deodorants, shower gels or hair care products. This differentiation, which has total control over the market for personal hygiene products, pays off for manufacturers. Demand increases with the differentiated offering – and research shows that products for women are basically more expensive. This gender split in the commodity world starts at birth. The pink-for-girls, blue-for-boys concept works especially well in the toy shop. Often, some items will be bought twice – after all, no parent wants to give their son his big sister’s pink scooter.
A social psychologist reveals the tyranny of gender-differentiated codes, and a marketing expert explains the business model that underpins them. Cosmetic industry representatives also have their say – after all gender maketing is highly effective in this sector in particular. And in one example, we see how a company still turns a good profit despite rejecting the mechanisms of gender marketing.
Not least, it’s down to us consumers. Quite apart from being more expensive, there’s nothing natural about pink for girls. It just happens to sell very well.


♦ 消費者的良知消費
 Consuming with a Conscience


在許多國家很容易找到帶有環保生態標籤的產品,它們是如此普遍,以至於憑良心購物似乎很容易。 消費者以更高的價格購買帶有環保生態標籤或產品是用回收材料製成的標誌的巧克力、魚、衣服和紙製品。
這些做法已被活動家、環保主義者和希望看到改變的製造商所呼籲,其中包括奧地利巧克力製造商 Josef Zotter,他說“公平貿易”不夠公平,他希望監管更進一步。

Products with an eco-label are easy to find in many countries. They’re so common that it seem like it’s easy to shop with a clear conscience. For a higher price, consumers can buy chocolate, fish, clothes and paper goods with an eco-label or the logo indicating the product was made with recycled material. 
But just because something has been labeled as ecologically friendly does not mean that it is. A closer look reveals that wood and paper are more harmful to the environment than we believe. In fact, almost every supposedly transparent supply chain has its problems – although these typically do not damage the reputation of the eco-label, thanks to watered-down standards and clever marketing.
These practices have been called out by activists, environmentalists and by manufacturers who want to see change. Among them is Austrian chocolatier Josef Zotter, who says "fairtrade" isn't fair enough, and who wants regulations to go further.
Of course, not everyone can afford exclusive ecological swimwear made from "ghost nets" floating in the oceans. But there is a rational behind such products. Experts agree that limiting our consumption to sustainably produced products isn’t enough. They say we also need to reduce consumption overall. The first question consumers should ask themselves, then, is whether they really need an item. Only with this mindset can we begin to consume with a clear conscience.


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