

  • 商品型號:WDW140-2
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲科學 ▲科技 ▲資訊

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          The Interfaces of the Future – New Models of Interaction


數位時代的標誌是人與機器的互動,甚至到了將兩者融合的地步。這裡的一個重要領域是材料研究。 智能材料進入人機交互界面。與有遠見的研究人員一起,大自然為新材料提供了幾乎無窮無盡的例子和靈感來源,而不僅僅是被用來製造原材料。科學家、設計師、奈米研究人員和科技愛好者因超前思考的動力及突破熟悉界限的勇氣而團結在一起。樂器製造等傳統手工藝已經在使用3D打印機的塑料進行試驗;仿生義肢正在將科幻小說變為現實;原始細胞似乎超越了生命與非生命的界限,而覆盆子果泥與陽光形成奇妙的結合,讓電流流動。新材料正在克服自然和科技的限制,並為人們與他人和環境的互動開闢新途徑。

The hallmark of the digital age is the interaction of humans and machines, even to the point of merging the two. One important field here is materials research. Intelligent materials go into the interfaces for human-machine interaction.
Along with visionary researchers, some of whom toil for decades undaunted, nature provides an almost endless source of examples and inspiration for new materials – rather than simply being exploited for raw materials. Scientists and designers, nano-researchers and technology devotees are united by the drive to think ahead, coupled with the courage to break through familiar boundaries.
Already, such traditional crafts as instrument making are experimenting with plastics from the 3D printer; bionic prostheses are turning science fiction into reality; the proto-cell seems to transcend the boundary between living and non-living, and raspberry puree forms a wonderful bond with sunlight and allows electricity to flow.
New materials are overcoming the limits of nature and technology and opening up new ways for people to interact with one another and their environment. In this rapid development, we are only at the beginning.


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