

  • 商品型號:WDW140-1
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲科學 ▲科技 ▲資訊

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          Virtual or Reality – Creating Immersive Worlds


沉浸在另一個世界一直是文學、戲劇和電影的目標之一。數位科技將沉浸感提升到一個全新的水平,並挑戰了現實和虛構的傳統定義,它徹底重新定義觀眾的身份,身歷其境的互動世界一直是電腦遊戲開發者的領域,現在,許多藝術形式的創意人員正探索如何吸引觀眾並讓他們參與其中?一種撼動人心的新娛樂形式席捲了文化界。紐約翠貝卡電影節推出了沉浸式敘事的專門類別,對於此處提交的項目,主要透過虛擬現實護目鏡向觀眾呈現個人視覺印象,相比之下,在身歷其境的劇院體驗中,數位科技逐漸成為背景。在美國匹茲堡市,Bricolage劇院公司強調觀眾的積極參與,來自荷蘭的Daan Roosegaarde 創造了身歷其境的藝術世界,通常在公共場所探索人與自然之間的動態關係,對於他在紐約的“Waterlicht”裝置,整個街道都變暗了,然後幾乎被大量的水淹沒,Roosegarde工作室的作品將遊客帶入虛擬世界,在這樣做的過程中,科技對象經常與空間和人進行交流。數位科技正以越來越快的速度創造新的現實。

Immersion in other worlds has always been one of the objectives of literature, theatre and film. Digital technologies take immersion to a whole new level and challenge traditional definitions of reality and fiction. Immersive, interactive worlds were long the domain of computer game developers. Now, creatives from many art forms are exploring these new dimensions of storytelling. New York's Tribeca Film Festival has launched a dedicated category for immersive storytelling. For the projects submitted here, the audience is presented with individual visual impressions, mostly through virtual reality goggles. In immersive theatre experiences, by contrast, digital technology fades into the background. In the American city of Pittsburgh, the Bricolage theatre company emphasises active audience participation. Daan Roosegaarde, from the Netherlands, creates immersive art worlds which explore the dynamic relationship between humans and nature, often in public spaces. For his “Waterlicht” installation in New York, entire streets were darkened and then virtually flooded with masses of water. The works of the Roosegaarde studio transport the visitor into virtual worlds. In so doing, the technological objects often communicate with the space and the people. Ever more and ever faster, digital technology is helping to create new realities.


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