

  • 商品型號:WDW134-2
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲建築 ▲設計 ▲藝術

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          Wang Shu and Arno Brandlhuber–Innovation and Conservation

王澍和 Arno Brandlhuber兩位傑出的建築師為建築的可持續性理念而熱忱奮鬥,充分表現出對人與自然的關懷,以感性和永續發展的建築為歷史遺忘樹立了標誌,彌合城鄉之間、傳統與現代之間的差距。

王澍是中國有史以來第一位著名的普立茲克建築獎得主,Arno Brandlhuber 多年來一直以其創新方法革新歐洲建築界。兩位建築師都有相似的永續性理念:新生產的材料越少,現有材料的重複使用越多,建築的生態平衡就越好,兩者都完全反對拆除舊建築的趨勢,充分表現出對人與自然的關懷,以感性和永續發展的建築為歷史遺忘樹立了標誌,彌合城鄉之間、傳統與現代之間的差距。
在他的許多建築中,例如杭州香山校區,王澍使用了被拆除村莊的磚塊,其中一些磚塊已有數百年歷史, 他的建築工地採用傳統工藝技術,為了阻止大規模人口遷移到城市,王澍為農村人口設計了有吸引力和舒適的家園。
Arno Brandlhuber 看到了別人只看到廢墟的潛力,建築師更喜歡使用已經存在的結構,透過巧妙和富有想像力的設計,將它們變成有吸引力的居住或工作空間,他的工藝以最少的材料,來為建築物居民實現最大的靈活性和可用性。


Wang Shu is China’s first ever winner of the renowned Pritzker Prize for Architecture. With his innovative approaches, Arno Brandlhuber has been stirring up the European architectural scene for many years. Both architects have a similar understanding of sustainability: the less that is newly produced and the more use that is made of existing materials, the better the eco-balance of a building. Both are vehement opponents of the current demolition mania.

In many of his structures, such as the Xiangshan Campus in Hangzhou, Wang Shu utilizes bricks from demolished villages. Some of those bricks are centuries old. Traditional craft techniques are practiced on his building sites. In an attempt to stem mass migration to cities, Wang Shu designs attractive and comfortable homes for the rural population.

Arno Brandlhuber sees potential where others only see ruins. The architect prefers to work with structures that already exist, transforming them into attractive spaces for living or working through ingenious and imaginative design. His processes require minimum material to attain maximum flexibility and usability for the building’s inhabitants.

Wang Shu and Arno Brandlhuber – two extraordinary architects fighting passionately for their sustainability principles in architecture.