

  • 商品型號:WDW134-1
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲醫學醫療 ▲生物科技▲生活輔導 ▲基因科學

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          More life–Decoding the Secret of Aging


如果我們設法解開人類生物學的最後一個謎團,我們可能很快就能根除與年齡有關的疾病,如癌症、癡呆症和心臟病。大多數人都想活到晚年,但很少有人願意變老,因為年齡意味著衰敗、局限、疾病,但一定要這樣嗎?或者我們可以在變老的同時保持健康嗎?第一個活到 150 歲的人可能已經出生了,一些科學家說—他們應該知道。因為他們正在解決問題的根本原因:不是與年齡有關的疾病,而是衰老過程本身。在生物學上不衰老到同樣程度的長壽秘訣是什麼?在端粒中,即染色體末端,哥斯大黎加百歲老人的染色體末端比其他人端粒長?是否足以消滅存在於我們所有人體內的所謂“殭屍”細胞?至少科學家們現在能夠測量我們的生理年齡,而不管我們的實際年齡是多少歲,長壽研究專家的一項發明使這成為可能。

Most people want to live to an old age. But few want to be old. Because age means decay, limitations, disease. But does it have to be this way? Or can we grow very old and still retain good health? "The first person who'll turn 150 years old has probably already been born," say some scientists - and they should know. Because they're tackling the root cause of the problem: not age-related illness, but the aging process itself. But what's the secret of long life without aging biologically to the same extent? In telomeres, the ends of chromosomes, which are longer in Costa Rica centenarians than in other people? Is it enough to zap what are known as "zombie" cells, present in all of us? At least scientists are now able to measure our biological age regardless of our actual age in years. An invention by one of the gurus of longevity research Steve Horvath has made that possible.