

  • 商品型號:WDW133
  • 規格:全套 3片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

           TeleMed (IX)

近幾十年來,醫學取得了巨大的進步。例如,光纖的發現使人們有可能仔細觀察胃和腸道,磁共振成像可以在不使用有害X 射線的情況下創建3D圖像。重症監護、移植和基因工程的進步使人們有可能解決以前被視為不治之症的疾病,但關於只在人類文明中出現的疾病仍有許多未知的科學領域。

Huge progress has been made in medicine in recent decades. For example, the discovery of fiber optics has made it possible to take a close look at the stomach and intestines. Magnetic resonance imaging creates three-dimensional images without using harmful X - rays. Advances in intensive care, transplantation and genetic engineering are making it possible to tackle diseases previously regarded as incurable. But there is still much uncharted scientific territory, for example with regard to diseases that have only emerged with our civilization.


♦ 膳食補充劑的好處和風險
  Food Supplements–Benefits and Risks



Many people regularly take vitamin, protein and mineral supplements. Even when plenty of food is available in the needed variety, these supplements are said to prevent deficiencies and illnesses. Often their consumption goes hand in hand with a belief in 'the more the better'. Due to their antioxidant properties, synthetic vitamins are reputed to affect health only positively, slow the aging process and enhance fitness and physical performance. The supplement manufacturers especially like to drive that point home in their advertising. Their claims go down particularly well with bodybuilders who hope to grow muscle mass quickly for the best possible training results. But they often end up taking a cocktail of vitamins and protein that far exceeds the daily recommended doses. For their part, the manufacturers can rarely offer reliable studies on their products’ efficacy.
In recent years, however, cancer researchers, nutritional experts and food chemists have been looking closer at the side-effects associated with taking these supplements. Extensive studies have shown that vitamin and protein supplements not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but can significantly increase the risk of cancer, asthma and allergies.

♦ 心臟醫學創新療程–回歸正常生活
   Cardiac Medicine–Back to Normal Life



The diagnosis of a serious heart condition brings with it major changes in the lives of those affected. Often the disease has only been identified after it’s reached an advanced stage and caused lasting damage to the heart muscle. An operation or a minimally invasive procedure on the coronary vessels can significantly reduce the risk of life-threatening, acute cardiac incidents, like heart attacks. However, until recently, heart patients were often left suffering from chronic cardiac insufficiency, which severely limited their quality of life.
In recent years, cardiologists and heart surgeons -- working together with researchers and medical engineers -- have developed numerous innovative treatments and rehab therapies. They’re designed to allow patients to, once again, enjoy a life fairly free of major difficulty.

   Osteopathy–Gentle Hands~On Therapy



Osteopathic treatment may significantly relieve pain and assist healing, and not just for muscular and joint pain, but also for migraines, problems with internal organs, as well as for developmental disorders in babies. Osteopaths work with their hands: They seek out inner tension through touch, assess the possible causes, correct bad posture and release the blockages.
In recent years the effectiveness of these methods has been scientifically proven and is accepted in many cases as a supplement to conventional therapies. Ultrasound elastography in particular can be used to visualize the elasticity of muscles and connective tissue, while more detailed research into fasciae has yielded many positive results.
Orthopedists hope such treatments may save their patients from the need for surgery. In many cases, they can improve mobility and alleviate the damage caused by chronic pain.


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