

  • 商品型號:WDW120-4
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲醫學醫療 ▲生物科技▲生活輔導 ▲基因科學

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

          Science v. the Zika Virus

The Zika virus was first isolated in 1947 in monkeys in Uganda. The first human infections were identified there too, then a few more in Africa and southeast Asia. Only 14 cases in humans were recorded before 2007. So it came as a shock when an outbreak of the virus spread through the Americas, a number of Pacific islands and southeast Asia in 2015. Zika virus disease is generally mild, but an infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects. Rarely, it can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological disease. Researchers are trying to establish what led to the sudden epidemic and how the virus can cause such damage.

商品備註說明Product Remark

本節目屬於『科學探索新知 The Quest for Knowledge (Ⅸ)』套裝產品內的其中一片DVD,成套購買請參閱:科學探索新知

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