

  • 商品型號:WDW120
  • 規格:全套 7 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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           The Quest for Knowledge (Ⅸ)

人總是渴望獲得知識 - 無論是改善自己的生活環境,還是出於純粹的好奇心或對事物底層的渴望。沒有科學發現,人類就不會以如此快的速度發展,如果沒有科學和學術帶來的知識,我們今天所知的生活將是不可想像的。創新和新見解以更快的速度融入我們的生活,我們跟隨科學家、技術人員和發明家,因為他們不斷尋找增加人類知識的方法,這些優質的電影伴隨著他們一同探索人類的知識。
Man has always had a thirst for knowledge – whether it be to improve his life and circumstances or out of sheer curiosity and the urge to get to the bottom of things. Without scientific discoveries, humanity would not have evolved at such a rapid pace. Life as we know it today would be unthinkable without the knowledge we gain through science and scholarship. Innovations and new insights are integrated into our lives in ever quicker succession. We watch scientists, technicians and inventors as they look for ways to increase human knowledge. These fascinating films accompany them in their Quest for Knowledge.
♦ 氣候變遷–歷史建築的危機
   Climate Change –A Threat for Historic Buildings



Climate change is a threat not only to people, animals and plants, but also to monuments. By conducting a series of complex experiments, scientists hope to discover more about the effects of extreme temperature fluctuations and to find new ways to protect murals, valuable furniture and other historical objects.

   Communication Without Words–The Language of Facial Expressions


A furrowed brow, a beaming smile, a twitch of  the nose – our face is talking every second, even if we are not saying anything. It can produce more than 10,000 different expressions – with just eight facial muscles.
US psychologist Paul Ekman developed the Facial Action Coding System, known as FACS for short. FACS lists every muscle and its movement potential. According to this scientific approach, the emotion behind each and every facial expression can be read. Ekman’s theory has assumed major influence world-wide, but particularly in the United States where many airports are patrolled by specially trained FACS security forces. Their task is to recognize potential criminals through facial analysis. But how clearly can facial expressions be decyphered? And in future will even cameras be able to read them?

♦ 別慌張–如何控制人群的研究
   Don’t Panic–How to Control Crowds of People


If crowds of people start to panic, this can quickly become dangerous. Scientists, engineers and rescue services are teaming up to find ways to evacuate public places as swiftly as possible in the event of an emergency.
Scientists want to prevent such disasters. They are studying how people react in groups and how they can quickly be brought to safety in an emergency. At the same time engineers are working on surveillance systems that predict excessively high crowd densities in good time. The aim is to prevent panic and the mass accidents this can result in. By issuing advance warnings and providing security forces with appropriate information, surveillance and evacuation systems can increase safety and help to prevent tragedies involving large crowds.

♦ 科學對抗茲卡病毒
   Science v. the Zika Virus


The Zika virus was first isolated in 1947 in monkeys in Uganda. The first human infections were identified there too, then a few more in Africa and southeast Asia. Only 14 cases in humans were recorded before 2007. So it came as a shock when an outbreak of the virus spread through the Americas, a number of Pacific islands and southeast Asia in 2015. Zika virus disease is generally mild, but an infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects. Rarely, it can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological disease. Researchers are trying to establish what led to the sudden epidemic and how the virus can cause such damage.

♦ 植物的研究–它們會思考和感覺嗎
   Plants–Can They Think and Feel


A small but growing number of scientists have introduced the world to a new field in recent years: the neurobiology of plants. Their research challenges the traditional boundaries between the plant and animal kingdoms. They say that plants are able to perceive their environment and react to it. Electrical and chemical signaling appear to play important roles, resembling signal processing in animals. So are plants able to think and feel?
An example is the umbrella thorn acacia in the African Limpopo savannah. During a period of drought, it was the only food source for many herbivores and was severely threatened by overgrazing. Through chemical messengers the plants agreed among themselves to increase the tannin content in their leaves. As a result, grazing antelopes were poisoned and eliminated as predators. Interrelationships like these form a vast field of research for scientists within the fascinating world of plants.

♦ 睪酮的研究–攻擊性荷爾蒙
   Testosterone–The Aggression Hormone


Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It is often said that under its influence, men are driven by instinct and aggression. But recent studies tell a different story, finding that testosterone enables men to act strategically and promotes social behavior – even if that is aimed at boosting their own status. Conversely, the hormone is also influenced by social status and individual personality. The basic equation “testosterone equals aggression equals power” simply doesn’t add up.

♦ 擁抱的療癒力–為何觸摸是健康的
   The Healing Power of Cuddles–Why Touch is Healthy


Humans are social beings and need the company of other humans. Physical contact with other members of the species is also known to be very important. But some scientists go one step further: they say we need to be touched and even cuddled to stay healthy. There is a wealth of evidence to show that people who spend long periods in physical and mental isolation are more likely to succumb to illness. After all, touch is the first sense we acquire and the last to diminish when we age.


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