

  • 商品型號:WDW121
  • 規格:全套 3 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲醫學醫療 ▲生物科技▲生活輔導 ▲基因科學

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片名:大腦新科學的發展與發現 The Mysteries of the Brain (Ⅳ)

The brain is the nerve center of the human body. It is the point where all information from the body and its environment is collected and processed into reactions and memories. Everything we think, say or do is controlled by the brain, as are processes that occur without our conscious input, such as understanding what we are seeing or hearing, feeling joy or fear, or recognizing danger. Researching the workings of the human brain is an even greater scientific challenge than decoding the human genome.
大腦新科學的發展與發現 1-人類或機器-創造人工大腦 Man or Machine: Creating an Artificial Brain
大腦新科學的發展與發現 2-假記憶-大腦如何欺騙我們 False Memories: How the Brain Deceives Us
大腦新科學的發展與發現 3-腦海中的幻聽 Hearing Voices in the Head


1. 人類或機器–創造人工大腦
 Man or Machine: Creating an Artificial Brain


In recent decades cognitive research, neuroscience and imaging techniques have produced fundamental insights into the workings of the human brain. These demonstrate the processing of environmental stimuli, memories and action triggers. Can this knowledge be used to lend awareness to robots and machines?

2. 假記憶–大腦如何欺騙我們
 False Memories: How the Brain Deceives Us


We often think we can remember particular events in exact detail. This makes it all the more astonishing how frequently our memories are far off the mark. Awareness, the formation of ideas and remembering and forgetting are highly efficient processes within the brain; but sometimes they produce illusions that appear to us to be very real.

3. 腦海中的幻聽
 Hearing Voices in the Head


People who hear internal voices are often viewed as sick, disturbed, abnormal or schizophrenic. But from a historical point of view, this is a frequently documented phenomenon with some well-known sufferers. Scientific research into the condition has yielded some surprising insights: brain scans show that those affected do actually perceive the internal voices as an auditory experience. Why does our psyche sometimes speak to us in this way? And at what point is the phenomenon an indication of some form of mental illness?


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