

  • 商品型號:HAU204
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲電影式紀錄片

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          The Next Great Extinction Event 


Extinct the word is chilling it means. That a species no longer survives in this world. Already there have been five great extinction events in the history of our planet. What if the next species to be obliterated where us.
We pay scant regard to the planet-sized mechanism churning below our feet and over our heads. we are after all the apex species of planet Earth. we flourish, we consume and we drive the natural world. To oblivion only when a dramatic event strikes earthquake eruption tsunami are we reminded of its. Awesome force sometimes for reasons we shall explore earth and the species on. It come to blows are we next to be. Knocked out history teaches us only what to expect we have at least those five catastrophic planetary events to learn. from if we are to avoid a human calamity.
