

  • 商品型號:WOR126-9
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲電影式紀錄片

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          When the Water Rises - Escape from the Great Flood

2100年:數百萬人被迫離開孟買、東京、廣州和孟加拉的家園。美國也不能倖免:人們撤離邁阿密、新奧爾良和紐約。 城市的大部分都在水平面下。今天,生活在沿海地區有7億人受到海平面上升的影響。現在,氣候變化是不可逆轉的,極地的冰層正在融化,海平面不斷上升。馬爾地夫等島嶼國家已經消失在水中,海洋本身將成為我們未來的棲息地嗎?
The year 2100: Millions of people are forced from their homes in Mumbai, Tokyo, Guangzhou, and Bangladesh. The United States are not spared either: Miami, New Orleans and New York have been evacuated. Large parts of the cities are under water. Today 700 million people living in coastal areas are affected by the rising sea levels. Climate change is now irreversible, the polar caps are melting, sea levels are rising relentlessly. Island states such as the Maldives have disappeared under water. Will the sea itself be our future habitat?