

  • 商品型號:WOR126-3
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲商業 ▲社會 ▲人文

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          Fail with Success

失敗引起關注,失敗是不愉快的,我們不談論失敗。危機、失敗和不幸它們都是生活的一部分,也是我們都想要忘記的經歷。 "羞恥"的概念在這裡扮演著重要的角色,因為在我們的社會,“犯錯”仍然帶有耻辱感。
矽谷的情況並非如此,許多創業失敗的人都支持這種失敗,實際上,他們為此感到自豪。以此為出發點,一種 “失敗的文化”,甚至一種圍繞著失敗的“崇拜”正在這裡發展。康斯坦茲•格里斯勒在此紀錄片裡闡明“失敗”的主題,並提出了幾種思考方向與創新觀點。

Failing attracts attention. Failing is unpleasant. We don’t talk about failure. Crises, flops and mishaps are all among the experiences we would like to forget about, even though they’re part of life. The notion of ‘shame’ plays a big role here, because in our society ‘making mistakes’ still carries a stigma.
That’s not the case in Silicon Valley, where many who failed with their start-up stand by that failure, in fact they’re almost proud of it. With this as a starting point, a ‘culture of failure’, yes, even a veritable ‘cult’ surrounding failure is developing over here. Constanze Griessler illuminates the topic of ‘failure’ in her documentary, portraying several perspectives.
