Botox, Filler and Co
人工點綴的面孔如何改變廣告中的美感理想?經過美容治療的臉部看起來有多年輕? 是什麼引發大腦面部肌肉麻痺?肉毒桿菌素影響認知能力的研究結果正確嗎? 研究正在尋找這些問題的答案。本節目向女性闡述了為什麼可以使用肉毒桿菌毒素,填充劑等來修飾她們。
Quickly in the lunch break in the beauty studio to smooth out the frown lines or plump up the narrow lips - botox to go is the new trend, beauty corrections have arrived in society.
How do the artificially embellished faces change the ideal of beauty in advertising? How attractive and young do beauty-treated faces really look? What triggers the paralysis of facial muscles in the brain? Are research results correct that botox affects cognitive abilities? Research is looking for answers to these questions. It spoke to women about why they can be embellished with botox, fillers and the like.