

  • 商品型號:WOR119-11
  • 規格:1 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲科學 ▲科技 ▲資訊

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          Electromobile Revolution

馬庫斯(Markus),約翰(Johann)和菲利普•克雷塞爾(Philipp Kreisel)三兄弟發明了電池系統,該系統應有助於電動汽車在全球中取得突破。他們保證電池比市場上其他任何產品的充電速度更快,使用壽命更長。
無論如何,電動汽車的革命已經開始,創新的領導者是否會繼續下去,以及他們是否會在全球中影響電動汽車,還有待觀察。 因為即使是大型汽車公司也已經從錯誤中吸取了教訓,並將可行性高的模型投入競爭以取得成功。
The brothers Markus, Johann and Philipp Kreisel invented battery systems that are supposed to help electric cars make their worldwide breakthrough. They promise batteries that charge faster and last longer than everyone else on the market.
In any case, the revolution of electric mobility has already started. It remains to be seen whether the innovative lead will continue and whether they will shape electric mobility worldwide. Because even the big car companies have learned from their mistakes and are sending powerful electric vehicles into the race.