
科學新知識解密 (II)

  • 商品型號:HDW200
  • 規格:全套 6 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:科學新知識解密 (II)

人總是渴望獲得知識 - 無論是改善自己的生活環境,還是出於純粹的好奇心或對事物底層的渴望。沒有科學發現,人類就不會以如此快的速度發展,如果沒有科學和學術帶來的知識,我們今天所知的生活將是不可想像的。創新和新見解以更快的速度融入我們的生活,我們跟隨科學家、技術人員和發明家,因為他們不斷尋找增加人類知識的方法,這些優質的電影伴隨著他們一同探索人類的知識。
Man has always had a thirst for knowledge – whether it be to improve his life and circumstances or out of sheer curiosity and the urge to get to the bottom of things. Without scientific discoveries, humanity would not have evolved at such a rapid pace. Life as we know it today would be unthinkable without the knowledge we gain through science and scholarship. Innovations and new insights are integrated into our lives in ever quicker succession. We watch scientists, technicians and inventors as they look for ways to increase human knowledge. These fascinating films accompany them in their Quest for Knowledge.


♦ 全球缺血的危機
   Blood in Short Supply


Blood is the elixir of human life and an increasingly scarce commodity. This is because blood donation rates are down despite an increase in need. Researchers and doctors are searching for solutions. One approach is to reduce the number of transfusions. Another,to glean a substitute for human blood: from lugworms, for example, or stem cells.

♦ 昆蟲:仿生學的超級明星
    Insects : Superstars of Bionics


There are more than a million known species of insect in the world. Sometimes, their talents are akin to superpowers. Bionics is a science that examines ways to apply biological structures and processes to modern technology: for example, you’ve never seen an ant traffic jam. And the Asian harlequin beetle has the most efficient immune system in the world. Two examples of how insects can help us to solve contemporary problems.

♦ 海床上的神祕細菌
    Bacteria : Life on the Seabed


2,000 meters below sea level it’s dark, water pressure is extremely high and undersea springs spew boiling hot water containing toxic substances. These hostile conditions do not deter bacteria, which flourish and form the basis for rich ecosystems with innumerable higher organisms. What is the relationship between these life forms? And what conclusions can be drawn concerning the significance of bacteria for human existence?

♦ 科學研究神奇的蜘蛛
    The Amazing World of Spiders


Spiders are everywhere we go, they’re around us all the time as we go about our daily lives, but they’re often not very popular with their human cohabitants. Maybe that’s why we haven’t wanted to know all their secrets. For example, few people are aware that some spiders can fly, some can live underwater, while others spit or dance. And so far, no one has managed to invent a technical material with the same incredible qualities as spider silk.

♦ 嗜酒成癮的動物研究
    Intoxicated Animals


Humans aren’t the only consumers of alcohol. Many animals also regularly indulge, and even seem to sometimes enjoy the effects. But can they also get addicted? And does alcohol have the same effect on everybody and everything? Researchers from a variety of fields have been observing alchohol consumption in animals in a bid to gain new insights into the possible prevention and treatment of alcoholism in humans.

♦ 海洋酸化的危機
    The Dangers of the Acid Ocean

世上所有海洋正在吸收越來越多的二氧化碳,使海水變得越來越酸。酸海會對海洋生物有什麼影響?海洋是否能夠適應這種全球變化? 或者海洋中的生物會逐漸消失嗎?時間可能不多,因此海洋生物學家正在緊急尋找確保海洋能永續生存的方法。

The oceans of the world are absorbing more and more carbon dioxide, making them increasingly acidic. What impact is this having on marine life? Will it be able to adapt to this global change? Or will the creatures of the seas gradually disappear? Time may be running short, so marine biologists are urgently searching for ways to ensure their continued existence.


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