
ORF牛頓系列 (V)

  • 商品型號:HOR194
  • 規格:全套 5 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:ORF牛頓系列 (V)



♦ 細菌抗藥性的危機
    The Revenge of the Bacteria


There is more and more talk of antibiotic resistance. We read that inflammations are becoming harder and harder to treat. The cause, among other things, is the slapdash approach doctors, vets and patients have taken to how they handle antibiotics, the miracle cure. But what does that mean for our day-to-day lives? Do doctors still stand a chance - to treat middle ear infections for example? 'The Revenge of the Bacteria' tells the story of a manmade medical problem about which not only the WHO are issuing warnings.

♦ 科學解析人的夢境
    What do we dream about ?


When we dream the impossible can become possible. In dreams time and space play no part. We can swim under water, float and fly – endlessly. In fact dreams about flying are among the most typical.
We meet the psychoanalyst Daru Huppert, who explains what dreams are made of.

蜜糖毒藥 : 甜蜜的苦澀真相
    The Bitter Side of Sweetness


What we eat has consequences - and not just personal ones for our own health.
When it comes to indulging our sweet tooth, however, this realization comes as a surprise to many. And yet the «sweet life» comes with a whole host of ethical consequences that range from our own bodies to the furthest corners of the world.

♦ 啤酒釀造的科學
    Beer – Science in a Glass


Beer is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting a solution containing sugar through the addition of yeast. Learn to understand the complex process of brewing from malting, mashing, lautering, boiling, fermenting, conditioning, filtering, and packaging. Explore the world of brewing and the variety of ingredients that master brewers use.

♦ 咖啡、牛奶和糖的生產貿易經濟
    Coffee , Milk and Sugar


This documentary sets out on a journey along the entire chain of distribution and value creation culminating with the consumer, portrays the people behind abstract market mechanisms and, using these three products, attempts to highlight (world) economic structures as well as the alternatives to a seemingly impenetrable globalization.

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