
ORF牛頓系列 (IV)

  • 商品型號:HOR193
  • 規格:全套 5 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:ORF牛頓系列 (IV)



    Voices of Transition


Voices of Transition allows the most important movers and shakers of the shift to biological agriculture to speak in their own words. French, British and Cuban farmers and scientists, 'Permaculture' activists and pioneers of the 'Transition Town' movement show how we can face the challenges of climate change, resource scarcity and imminent famine with radical new methods. These approaches all have one main feature in common - the possibility of building not just a more future-proof society, but also of happier, more live able local communities.

♦ 未來的諾貝爾獎得主
    The Nobel Prize Winners of the Future


Newton, ORF's weekly science program, profiles three researchers who just might win a Nobel Prize for Austria in 2030.

♦ 全球電玩產業的發展趨勢
    Indie Games vs. Free to Play


This documentary talks to developers of "free to play" and "indie games" and shows the different concepts and ideologies behind the new business models.
Do you still buy expensive computer games? Or do you just play on the internet now, like on your smartphone or tablet, where most games are indeed pretty cheap if not in fact free.

    The History of the Mobile

為了紀念手機發明三十週年,這部紀錄片《手機的歷史》帶觀眾認識手機通訊的歷史,並介紹未來手機的功用 。

On the 30th birthday of the mobile telephone, the documentary "The History of the Mobile" looks at the history of mobile telecommunications and shows what the mobile has in store for us in future.

♦ 無人機的發展與應用
    Drones conquer the Sky


World-wide approximately 300,000 civilian drones per month are sold. According to estimations it could be in the year 2020 more than 4.7 million unmanned flying objects, itself in the air space over us tummeln. By rapid progress in the robot technology the application type of drones are meanwhile so various that they conquer not only the industry, but also the everyday life. Curse or benediction, progress or danger ?

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