
科學新知識解密 (I)

  • 商品型號:HDW189
  • 規格:全套 6 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:科學新知識解密 (I)



♦ PM2.5危險沙塵暴的危害
   Dangerous Dust from the Desert


Due to excessive water consumption and intensive agriculture methods, soils are drying out and turning to dust that can be easily carried away by the wind. This is a serious problem, particularly in North Africa and the Middle East. Wars and other conflicts in the Middle East have also had a devastating effect on the soil. And dust from these areas is often contaminated with the toxic substances that warfare generates. Winds carry this dust into the atmosphere, where it can be carried for thousands of kilometres – becoming part of a global air pollution problem.

♦ 隱藏的人體筋膜組織
    The Hidden World of Fascia


Fascia is a band or sheet of fibrous connective tissue. For a long time, fasciae were regarded as merely passive structural material and were ignored by surgeons and discarded by anatomists. But experts today know that our connective tissue is like a net that holds our bones, organs and muscles and gives them support and flexibility. The fascia is considered the cause of many disorders and types of pain, but they are also the place where healing can begin.

♦ 海洋微塑膠的危害
    Microplastics in the Ocean


Ever since plastic began its triumphal advance into virtually all areas of everyday life, enormous quantities of synthetic polymeric material have ended up in the world’s oceans.Through wave action, solar radiation, and other processes, plastics gradually decay into ever smaller pieces, ending up as microscopically small particles. It is primarily fragments of this size that enter the food chain of many marine organisms, ultimately getting into our food. Bacteria and other microorganisms, dispersed around the world's oceans by plastic waste, constitute another serious problem.

♦ 3C科技測量情緒
    Measuring Emotion


Technology has made us transparent. The Internet knows where we were, what we like, what we buy. And scientists all over the world are now working on making our emotions technically legible by empirically measuring facial expressions, language and gestures. The results of such analyses are finding a wide range of applications.  By measuring emotion, the advertising industry is trying to make marketing strategies more effective. But what are these new possibilities doing with us? How dangerous is it to decode the language of emotions?

♦ 遠征北極的科學研究
    Expedition to the Arctic

Vagabond是一艘遠洋遊艇,專為極地任務而設。它可以輕鬆地進入高密度的冰山和許多淺灘的海洋區域,這一特徵尤其受到Jochen Halfar等氣候和海洋研究專家的青睞。Jochen Halfar正在追求一個雄心勃勃的目標。他利用他在Vagabond船員的幫助下在格陵蘭島和加拿大北部海岸收集的藻類,想要編制一個長達數百年的北極氣候年表。這也將有助於得知世界氣候未來發展的重要結論。

The Vagabond is an ocean-going yacht specially equipped for polar missions. The Vagabond can easily negotiate marine regions with a high density of icebergs and numerous shallows, a feature much appreciated in particular by climate and marine researchers like Jochen Halfar. Using the algae he collects on the coasts of Greenland and northern Canada with the help of the crew of the Vagabond, he wants to compile a centuries-long chronology of the Arctic climate. This, he hopes, will also allow important conclusions to be drawn about the future development of the world’sclimate.

♦ 解密匈牙利特殊洞穴系統
    The Secrets of the Molnár János Cave


The Hungarian capital Budapest is famous for its thermal baths. What’s less well known is that directly beneath this city of nearly two million inhabitants you’ll find a vast system of caves.Biologists also recently discovered two previously unknown species of crustacean in the caves that have apparently developed independently from relatives on the surface since an Ice Age period over a hundred thousand years ago. In order to solve the riddle of his evolutionary process, international teams are undertaking newer expeditions into the depths of the system.


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