
科學研究求新知 (II)

  • 商品型號:HDW186
  • 規格:全套 5 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:科學研究求新知 (II)



♦ 光害的研究-消失的黑夜
    Light Pollution–The Disappearing Darkness


The Earth is becoming ever brighter. But too much artificial light at night can negatively affect the wellbeing of people and animals. Scientists are concerned at what they say are rising levels of light pollution. Is there anything that can be done, without plunging us into darkness? What steps can be taken to make our artifical lighting more sustainable and kinder to our health?

♦ 海底採礦研究
    Mining on the Ocean Floor


On the floor of the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of four kilometers, there are vast reserves of manganese nodules. These contain many rare metals used in the manufacture of electronic devices. There are fears that extracting these metals could disrupt natural marine rhythms and threaten an ecosystem that we still don’t really understand. Scientists are hoping that their research will ease the impact of deep-sea mining on the environment.

♦ 大數據的預測分析
    Leaving Nothing to Chance ?


Researchers base a whole variety of prognoses on the tide of data generated by advancing digitalisation. Predictive analytics uses data mining to create algorithms to predict trends in society and individual preferences. Such algorithms are of great interest both to the business world and to governments and their intelligence agencies.

♦ 腸道菌組及神經系統的研究
    Trust Your Gut


Our intestine is like a second brain: What’s known as the enteric nervous system surrounds the entire organ, permanently sending information to the brain and influencing our emotions. Now researchers have discovered that humans fall into three different intestinal groups or enterotypes. Like blood groups, these are not linked to gender, age or ethnicity. The discovery has led to promising developments in the treatment of intestinal disorders and in nutrition research.

♦ 高山冰川衰退的研究
    The Decline of Alpine Glaciers


Glaciers are places where the effects of climate change can be seen and measured on a daily basis. The retreat of glaciers in the Alps has been far more rapid than scientists had predicted. This is due to the exacerbation of global warming by local factors. The changes not only impact the Alpine ecosystem. Permafrost holds rocks and scree in place. If it melts, the results could be devastating.


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