
ORF牛頓系列 (III)

  • 商品型號:HOR172
  • 規格:全套 8 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:ORF牛頓系列 (III)





♦ 歐盟 爭議的移民政策
    EU - Controversy Migration


In the last years hundreds of refugees from Africa and Asia have drowned crossing the Mediterranean as they fled their homelands. Some EU governments are opening the back door to well-todo foreigners, offering attractive deals: three million euros for EU citizenship. This documentary sheds light on Migration and the advantages and risks of the new era of mass movement.

♦ 數位時代將被取代的勞工
    Digital Flexible Redundant : Who will have a job Tomorrow


More and more people are working from their own sofa, the coffee shop, or from one of the new flexible work centres with the look of a living room. This offers more freedom and autonomy, but demands more self-control and talent for organisation, and makes employees into "entrepreneurs within the enterprise". The pressure is increasing; many are dropping out, and not by choice. Burn-out is one of the symptoms of a performance-obsessed society. Fifty percent of today's jobs will become automated in the next 20 years. And it isn't just monotonous, purely physical roles that will be affected, but increasingly those of traditional knowledge workers, such as doctors, university professors and journalists.

♦ 科技人種 人種的未來
    Techno Sapiens - The Future of the Human Species


The boundaries between man and machine, between technology and nature, are becoming increasingly blurred and might even disappear completely in the future. Information technology, genetic engineering and nanotechnology are not only making considerable inroads into society, but also more and more directly into human nature. The day when Homo sapiens is able to consciously design and radically change himself is not far away. A far-reaching optimisation of the human race using both existing and future technology seems to be the next logical step that mankind will take to bring himself closer to perfection.

♦ 石油與電力的動力對決 工業界的一次自我重塑
    Newton - Smart Cities

純粹的太陽能飛機,環遊全球的壯舉已經顯示出新能源的能力。 電動車後面的熱潮便是電動飛機,即便研發太陽動力號的公司尚未發展出一個可直接上市的產品,但它已驗證了太陽能的可行性 。 而在電子商務中,商業模式通常呈指數增長。電能驅動載具工業的成功,幫助電能往被良好保護的舒適區邁進, 如同奧迪和寶馬恐懼特斯拉和谷歌一樣,航空巨頭波音和空中巴士也可能受到電池領域的競爭與威脅。電梯製造商Schindler已經擁抱電力思維並加深對太陽動力號計劃的重視 。

The spectacular circumnavigation of the globe by a purely solar-powered plane has shown what new energy is capable of. Hot on the heels of the electric car comes the electric aeroplane. Even if Solar Impulse, the company behind the plane, has not yet developed a fully market-ready product, it has demonstrated its feasibility. And in e-commerce, business models usually grow exponentially. The success of the e-mobility industry is helping it make strides into well-defended cushy fiefdoms. In the same way that Audi and BMW fear Tesla and Google, it may well be that the aviation giants, Boeing and Airbus, are threatened by competition from the realm of the battery. Schindler, the elevator manufacturer, has embraced the e-philosophy and put its weight behind the Solar Impulse project.

♦ 公民科學 人人都是科學家
    Citizen Science - Everyone's a Scientist


Hobby researchers are working with scientists to find new ways and solutions to scientific questions using group intelligence.

♦ 能量飲料功效的研究
    Energy Drinks

維也納的奧地利運動醫學研究所他們即將展開運動科學測試,在血液中的能量飲料是否真的提升體能表現呢?能量飲料主要的有效成份是甚麼?能量飲料對身體有哪些影響?能量飲料的作用有哪些?影片中帶領您了解許多能量飲料的製造商, 實際上他們的承諾背後是什麼?

What is actually behind the promises of the many manufacturers?

♦ 奈米科技的研究與應用
    Nano Research

奈米意指物質中最小的粒子,奈米並不是一個特定物體,它是一個衡量單位。我們利用奈米科技轉化太陽能,成為電力或人造燃料,在這方面的應用,奈米科技可能會成為未來的救世主,奈米科技在未來也是醫藥革命的一條。本片說明了“奈米研究”如何將鋰電池和晶圓薄型太陽能電池靈活化 , 以便可以徹底改變能源發電。

“Nano research” illustrates how flexible batteries and wafer-thin solar cells can revolutionise energy generation.

♦ 鋰電池決定電動車的命運
    Stop or Go for Electric Cars

電池研究的未來新途徑, 將決定未來的移動性。過去20年以來鋰離子電池改變了我們的日常生活,促成21世紀的數位革命,它可充電,耐力持久,比傳統電池的電力更強。鋰離子電池決定了行動世界的生死,鋰離子科技無論是在通訊或運輸方面及未來電動車都很重要。電池的未來將決定未來的移動性, 本片牛頓系列是關於鋰離子技術的未來和電池研究的新途徑。

The future of new avenues in battery research will decide the future of mobility.The future of the battery will decide the future of mobility. A Newton episode on the future of lithium-ion technology and new avenues in battery research.

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