純粹的太陽能飛機,環遊全球的壯舉已經顯示出新能源的能力。 電動車後面的熱潮便是電動飛機,即便研發太陽動力號的公司尚未發展出一個可直接上市的產品,但它已驗證了太陽能的可行性 。 而在電子商務中,商業模式通常呈指數增長。電能驅動載具工業的成功,幫助電能往被良好保護的舒適區邁進, 如同奧迪和寶馬恐懼特斯拉和谷歌一樣,航空巨頭波音和空中巴士也可能受到電池領域的競爭與威脅。電梯製造商Schindler已經擁抱電力思維並加深對太陽動力號計劃的重視 。
The spectacular circumnavigation of the globe by a purely solar-powered plane has shown what new energy is capable of. Hot on the heels of the electric car comes the electric aeroplane. Even if Solar Impulse, the company behind the plane, has not yet developed a fully market-ready product, it has demonstrated its feasibility. And in e-commerce, business models usually grow exponentially. The success of the e-mobility industry is helping it make strides into well-defended cushy fiefdoms. In the same way that Audi and BMW fear Tesla and Google, it may well be that the aviation giants, Boeing and Airbus, are threatened by competition from the realm of the battery. Schindler, the elevator manufacturer, has embraced the e-philosophy and put its weight behind the Solar Impulse project.