
ORF牛頓系列 (II)

  • 商品型號:HOR158
  • 規格:全套 7 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:ORF牛頓系列 (II)



♦ 抗寒材質的科學
    Freezing for Science


If you want to be fashionably dressed this winter season, you’d probably wear a short down jacket. But what has this to do with a business program? Well, it all depends on the point of view. Hello and welcome to this new edition of Newton. So, what really makes a really good winter jacket? Sure, it’s supposed to look good – no question. But most importantly, it needs to be warm and herein begins the problem. Which material keeps me warm, which material do I like, I don’t want to start perspiring under the jacket and since it does get quite wet outside which material will keep me dry? All these questions, we at Newton, will put under the scientific magnifying glass. You’ll be surprised what we find out.

♦ 都市新垂直農場
    Vertical Farming


The population of our planet is growing steadily. By the year 2050 there will be an estimated nine and a half billion people. Aalready we need agricultural land the size of South America to feed our existing population reasonably well. 
How will we feed the population in the future, how should all those hungry stomachs be filled? Hello and welcome to this new edition of Newton. Yes, the day will come when our agricultural land will definitely not be large enough, without even mentioning the numerous problems traditional agriculture has already. A quite clever solution is “Vertical farming”. This is, extremely simply, growing fruit and vegetables in a high rise.

♦ 世界大學能源屋十項全能競賽
    Solar Decathlon


In a few weeks Austria will again join the medal hunt, at the Olympics in Sochi. Somewhere else, however, we are already on the winning track. Not in the Russian snow but in sunny California. Hello and welcome to the latest edition of Newton. Who can build a house that uses minimal energy but is also architecturally pleasing? In California there is a competition called “Solar-decathlon”, the decathlon for the best solar house in the world. 150 universities take part and Austria is one of the front-runners. Are they good enough to win? Let’s have a look.

♦ 3D列印的廣泛應用
    3D Printers

3D列印是列印三維物體的一種技術,3D列印的技術早已成為了現實,有了3D列印機,技術愛好者能隨時印出一個塑膠類的小輪胎,我們也可以印出藝術品或兒童玩具,我們甚至還會思考著,「是不是有一天我們也能列印出房子,汽車或者食物嗎? 」事實是,3D列印在奧地利的醫學與工業技術中已扮演了一個很重要的角色。

You screw something together and sure enough, one screw is missing. If I say – no problem, just print out the missing piece – it’s no vision of the future but exciting every day technology. Hello and welcome to this edition of Newton.3D printing, three dimensional printing, has certainly become a reality. It could be pieces for the technical affine hobbyist printing a little plastic wheel on his own printer. It could be art or children’s toys, and we wonder: “will we be able to print houses, complete cars or even food one day?” The truth is, in medicine and industrial technology here in Austria the 3D printer has taken on a very important role.

♦ 販售科學新商品
    Science for Sale


Don’t you wonder sometimes? You read in the paper about a study claiming that a late meal before bed-time is not healthy. On another day you read a study claiming the exact opposite. Hello and welcome to this edition of Newton. No doubt, we all know that someone has to pay for the research scientists are doing. The question is who? Especially in times when money is tight the thought of “the one who pays the piper…” comes to mind – a delicate question. Do researchers have to adjust their findings depending on who paid for them? Have a look.

♦ 科學研究各種糖的陷阱
    The Sugar Trap


A piece of sweet gateau, a delicious chocolate bar, hazelnut chocolate, all the sugar we shovel into ourselves, day after day.
Hello and welcome to this new edition of Newton. Yes, you will say, I know the story about sugar. Too much is not healthy and it certainly helps me gain weight. But, you will be surprised to learn how much sugar is in what, and how it really affects the body. So, look and listen.

♦ 氫的潛力 - 未來的能源
    Hydrogen – Fuelling our Future


How will we get around in the future? What could succeed crude oil and natural gas? One option already exists. It has three times the energy density of petrol, it’s available in huge quantities – there are even around 7 kilos in each of us – and it has a low environmental impact. Hydrogen could be the ideal partner for a greener future.

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