
ORF牛頓系列 (I)

  • 商品型號:HOR147
  • 規格:全套 7 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:ORF牛頓系列 (I)



♦ 化妝品中的賀爾蒙
    Hormenes in Cosmetics


Hello and welcome to Newton. Shaving foam, face cream, tooth paste, no matter if you’re male or female, I’m sure you will have at least one of these products in your bathroom. Well, somehow all of these products need to be made to last. This is done with preservatives. These are mostly, what we call parabens – potent stuff. They affect the body like hormones. Animal tests have shown that in extreme cases these parabens can lead to infertility. Now, is this problem with the body care products becoming one of those “if I were to listen to all the warnings of what’s bad for me I wouldn’t use anything”? Well, I would say it all depends….

♦ 永動機的科學研究
    Perpetuum Mobile


What a wonderful dream: a device which itself generates the energy it needs. It’s the dream of a perpetuum mobile and a dream that is by no means finished. Hello and welcome to another edition of “Newton”. There was a time when alchemist tried to produce gold artificially. That goal has long since been abandoned. But the concept of the perpetuum mobile is still with us. Wheels, pendulums, magnets, the force of gravity, and heat of all been used in the attempt to create a device which, once started up, would constantly run without any external source of energy. The challenge is to outsmart physics. Even today it’s a challenge no-one can ignore.

♦ 科學如何改變我們的營養
    Soil, Insects, High-Tech & Ready Meals : How Science is Changing Our Nutrition


Hello and welcome to another edition of Newton. Today we’ll be focusing on the latest culinary hit: cooking with soil! Yes, you heard correctly: cooking with ordinary garden soil! And, along the same lines, we’ll be taking a look at our nutritional future: scientists at the University of Innsbruck are preparing insects as ingredients in meals. To end with you’ll also be invited for dinner. We’ll be doing some digital cooking and using state-of-the-art high-tech kitchen equipment. But I must tell you that even the very latest culinary aids don’t really make cooking fool-proof.

♦ 現有城市改建成智能都市
    Newton – Smart Cities


At the start of the 20th century, just 10 percent of the world's population lived in cities. Today this figure already stands at 50 percent. By the end of this century, humanity will be an overwhelmingly urban species. The Urban Age has begun. But what should the cities of the future look like? How should they function? Urban planners are broadly in agreement that they should be green, efficient, technologically advanced, and above all sustainable, and to this end are planning the smart cities of the future.

♦ 尋找科學的迷思與傳說之謎
    Urban Legends


“So what’s the situation regarding the radiation from cellphones? Can it really threaten our health? And what about divining rods? Can they actually lead us to water veins? Hello and welcome to a new edition of “Newton”. There are phenomena that sound good to us. We willingly accept them and pass them on without ever checking that everything is as it is claimed to be. You might say, though, that research is actually the task of a science programme in ORF, like Newton. And I must admit that you’re perfectly right. So join us now in a search for the mysteries of scientific myths and legends.

♦ 尋求快感的毒品危害分析
    Looking for the Kick Drugs


Hello and welcome to a new edition of “Newton”! Today we focus on Ecstasy, coke, and co. Barely a day goes by without us reading in the newspaper or on the internet that once again a small hemp plantation has been discovered in some backyard or that several kilogrammes of cocaine have been seized at an airport. Last week we learnt of the tragic death of a fifteen year old girl in Graz who died after consuming a toxic drugs cocktail. A giant survey is currently being carried out world-wide involving nearly 80,000 people as to precisely which drugs they are taking. Scientists are warning that more and more designer drugs are appearing on the market. What effect do they have? And how dangerous are they?

♦ 解決沒有雪的冬季運動
    Winter Sport Without Snow


It’s really starting to snow - just in time for the half-term holidays. That soon makes us forget how often we have complained bitterly about too little snow for skiing or snowboarding. Hello and welcome to our latest edition of NEWTON. In Austria it is pretty rare these days to find a skiing area that is not supplied with artificial snow. It is estimated that there are more than twenty thousand snow cannon in our Austrian mountains. The amount of energy and water squandered in this way is simply enormous! What is more, you can’t really compare artificial snow with superb, natural powder snow. But science is feverishly working on alternatives - like a kind of cloud chamber which produces the finest powder snow artificially. Let’s find out more!

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