
科學研究求新知 (I)

  • 商品型號:HDW129
  • 規格:全套6片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

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片名:科學研究求新知 (I)



♦ 行為生物學–動物情感的研究
    How Animals Feel


Do animals feel empathy or compassion for one another? Do they have a sense of what is just and fair? Do they make sacrifices for others? For a long time we believed that although some animals do feel basic emotions, the complex mental states human beings experience were unique in the animal kingdom. But new discoveries in the field of behavioral research increasingly indicate that many animals are more similar to us than once thought. Many species cooperate, even when individuals don’t necessarily benefit from the cooperation.

♦ 爪哇火山麥拉匹的研究
    Merapi - Java’s Mountain of Fire


Mount Merapi on the Indonesian island of Java is considered one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes. It erupts every two to three years. And every ten to 15 years, its eruptions are so violent that they cause devastating damage: massive pyroclastic flows sweep into the surrounding valleys, destroying everything in their path. In the past, Merapi's eruptive activity was mostly on its western flanks. But the direction of eruption has now changed, putting the Central Javan city of Yogyakarta in the danger zone. The volcano presents a constant threat to hundreds of thousands of people.

♦ 保育野生動物的新研究
    A Vision of a Zoo to Preserve Wildlife


Few animals in modern zoos have to spend their entire lives behind bars and in the best cases, they can move around in spacious artificial landscapes based on their natural habitats. The World Zoo Conservation Strategy stipulates that the main priority of zoos today should be nature and species conservation and public awareness. So how effective are they at this?

♦ 稀土金屬–高科技元素的未來
 Rare Earth Metals -The Future of High-Tech Elements


Mobile phones, wind turbines, electric cars – they all use rare earths, chemical elements that were only recently recognized as important raw materials. With names such as cerium and neodymium, these elements for a long time led a shadowy existence, either unknown or considered useless. Today, whole industries could not exist without them. Rare earths are not actually as rare as the name suggests – they are more abundant than gold, for instance – but extracting them is an expensive business.

♦ 人猿醫藥之叢林藥局研究
 Medicine of the Apes -The Jungle Pharmacy


Great apes know how to self-medicate. Bonobos, for instance, treat themselves with plants from the tropical rain forest in which they live. What can humans learn from them? Scientist Barbara Fruth has been studying the behavior of bonobos in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for 16 years. She compares her observations with the natural remedies used by the Nkundo people, who live in the same forest. She’s discovered that great apes, like humans, know how to use plants found in the rain forest to treat conditions such as gastrointestinal complaints.

♦ 宇宙黑洞現象的研究
 Black Holes - Investigating the Phenomenon


Black holes fascinate scientists and science fiction fans alike. These mysterious, incredibly massive theoretical objects in space exert such powerful gravitational fields that nothing that draws close can escape – not even light. Their possible existence was first described in the 18th century, and some of the world’s most famous physicists and mathematicians have contributed to what we know about black holes. But many unsolved riddles remain.


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