

  • 商品型號:HDW119
  • 規格:全套 6 片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

           The Quest for Knowledge(Ⅳ)

Man has always had a thirst for knowledge – whether it be to improve his life and circumstances or out of sheer curiosity and the urge to get to the bottom of things. Without scientific discoveries, humanity would not have evolved at such a rapid pace. Life as we know it today would be unthinkable without the knowledge we gain through science and scholarship. Innovations and new insights are integrated into our lives in ever quicker succession. We watch scientists, technicians and inventors as they look for ways to increase human knowledge. These fascinating films accompany them in their Quest for Knowledge.


♦ 雲層複雜機制的探索
 The Inscrutable World of Clouds


While research into the nature of clouds continues to yield fascinating new insights, it is also throwing up a number of questions. For example, there are clouds that cool the Earth, and others that cause temperatures to rise. One thing is clear: More information about clouds is needed if we are to make any reliable climate predictions.

♦ 研究動物的高科技應用
 High-Tech Animal Research


How do kites choose their route over the Straits of Gibraltar? How do tiny butterflies manage to clear mountain altitudes of 3,000 meters and cover distances of more than 2,500 kilometers? In a bid to answer such questions, as many animals as possible are fitted out with small, extremely powerful transmitters by an international team of researchers.

♦ 腎上腺素-會上癮的救命荷爾蒙
 The Silent Demise of a Species


Adrenaline is a multifaceted hormone. At times of great physical or psychological stress, it swiftly adjusts our cardiovascular system and metabolism to the new situation. But it can also be addictive. In the case of extreme sportsmen and women, some even put their lives on the line in pursuit of new heights of stimulation.

♦ 森林中的蜱危機
 Ticks – Danger in the Woods


Just one bite from a tick can be enough to infect a person with dangerous pathogens. Recent years have seen an increase in the number of these parasites in Europe. By finding out more about ticks, researchers hope to improve their ability to predict when and where the dangers are lurking.

♦ 挑戰極限運動的研究
 Running for the Rush


Endurance sport is becoming a mass phenomenon. But medical professionals observe the trend with mixed feelings. On the one hand, they welcome the fact that more people are leading active lifestyles. But on the other, many recreational athletes are pushing themselves too hard. The intensive pursuit of sport requires good health and regular, longterm periods of training. Otherwise, the strain can damage tendons, ligaments and joints and, in the worst case scenario, cause a heart attack.

♦ 動物早期預警系統研究
 Animals as Early Warning Systems


Scientists have observed changes in the behavior of goats close to the volcano Mount Etna in Italy several hours before an eruption. This would give the local authorities enough time to warn people living nearby. Can the behavior of other animals in other parts of the world serve as reliable predictor of dangers or even epidemics?


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