

  • 商品型號:HDW96
  • 規格:全套12片DVD,英語發音中文字幕
  • 分類:▲套裝可單售之節目

商品詳細介紹Product Introduction

           The Quest for Knowledge (Ⅲ)

Man has always had a thirst for knowledge – whether it be to improve his life and circumstances or out of sheer curiosity and the urge to get to the bottom of things. Without scientific discoveries, humanity would not have evolved at such a rapid pace. Life as we know it today would be unthinkable without the knowledge we gain through science and scholarship. Innovations and new insights are integrated into our lives in ever quicker succession. We watch scientists, technicians and inventors as they look for ways to increase human knowledge. These fascinating films accompany them in their Quest for Knowledge.


♦ 人類的祖先:尼安德特人
 The Neanderthal in Us


Man than previously thought. This is the astonishing conclusion of scientists working on a project to decode the Neanderthal genome. Their research, carried out over a number of years, has revolutionized our understanding of prehistoric man and his evolution.

♦ 新水力發電法:新興的能源來源
 Water – The Emergent Energy Source


Hydropower is the most reliable form of regenerative energy. Engineers are currently testing completely new concepts for its use. For example, they are designing power stations that harness mountain streams or that run effectively on small amounts of water falling from low drop heights.

♦ 環境生態研究:一個物種的消失
 The Silent Demise of a Species


Around a third of the world's 5,000 species of amphibian are endangered. Scientists only have a limited understanding of why this might be the case. In Cameroon, two German tropical marine ecologists have spent years conducting research into around 100 indigenous species of frog.

♦ 義大利南部:火山的研究
 Southern Italy – Understanding Volcanoes


Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli are among the most intensively explored and monitored volcanoes in the world. Researchers want to be able to predict eruptions more precisely, but this is proving to be difficult. Nevertheless, their work on the volcanoes of southern Italy is helping colleagues in other regions.

♦ 集體智慧:動物群聚的研究
 Swarm Intelligence – Mysteries of Natural Collectives


Whether birds, fish or insects – when animals pool their resources as a group, their problem- solving capabilities far exceed those of any one single creature. This is why engineers and cyberneticists are so interested in swarms and are trying to transfer their collective approach to robots.

♦ 保護林木:為樹木尋找「基因指紋辨識」的方法
 Tree Protection – Finding Ways of "Fingerprinting" Wood


Illegal logging and the illegal trade in timber are destroying many of the world's forests. Scientists are trying to develop ways of identifying wood according to its type and origin. They hope that this will help to crack down on the destructive activities of crooks and smugglers.

♦ 風暴研究:氣象學家如何使飛行更加安全
 Storm Research – How Meteorologists are Working to Make Flying Safer


Extreme weather represents a risk to aeroplanes and those on board. Researchers are trying to gain a better understanding of storms in order to try to minimize the danger. German scientists have developed software that is able to predict storms at short notice. The next big step will be to convey these warnings directly to the cockpit via datalink.

♦ 環保有機的化學工業
 Eco-Friendly Chemistry


Almost 90 percent of all chemical industry products are derived from mineral oil. But what will happen when oil reserves run out? Since the early 1980s, the German chemist and entrepreneur Hermann Fischer has focussed his attention on the potential of plants. His research has shown that the resins, oils, starches and pigments in plants can replace all petrochemical products.

♦ 地球磁場的研究
 When the Earth's Magnetic Field Waxes and Wanes


The earth's magnetic field doesn't just help us to navigate with a compass, it also protects our planet from space radiation and cosmic storms. But the field has weakened significantly in recent years. What are the potential consequences of this for humankind? Is there reason to fear a catastrophe?

♦ 海陸之旅:候鳥遷徙的研究
 Over Land and Sea – The Mystery of Bird Migration


The annual migration of billions of birds is a mystery to science. Why do these creatures travel thousands of kilometers? How and when did such migration begin? Using up-to-the-minute technology, researchers hope to discover more about the lives of migratory birds – and thereby improve air traffic safety.

♦ 自動駕駛車:更加安全的道路交通
 Self-Drive Cars for Safer Roads


Human error is the most frequent cause of car accidents. For this reason, assistance systems and autopilots are playing an increasing role on the roads. Expectations of the new technology are high: enhanced safety, lower emissions and fewer traffic jams. Even cars that drive themselves are no longer simply a futuristic vision.

♦ 生物聲學:動物語言的研究
 Bioacoustics – Investigating Animal Language


The sounds animals make are astonishingly diverse. Scientists working in the new discipline of bioacoustics are using extraordinary methods to investigate a huge variety of noises produced by animals. Could these be described as a kind of language? Will it one day be possible to enter into dialogue with animals such as dolphins or elephants?


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